Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Big Girl Update!

Emma has really started becoming such a big girl lately. We have totally got her off her pacifier. She will tell you that the paci fairies came and took them to all the babies. This is something I read and it worked for Emma. It has been almost two weeks and we have had no melt downs (knock on wood). Emma has also taken her first trip without Mommy and Daddy today. She went to Austin to stay with Pop (my Dad) until Friday. We already miss her!!!
We visited the Easter Bunny at the mall this past weekend. Emma loved saying hello to him from a distance and wanted to touch him, but as soon as she sat on his lap the smile went away. There was no crying just no smiles either. I posted some pictures of her before it was our turn to sit with the Easter Bunny.

She never wants to look at the camera
Silly face

After we finished with her bunny ears on

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