Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 31, 2008

It's Been Awhile!

I know it has been a long time since we have updated the blog. So, here is a little information on what has been going on. We went to the pumpkin patch and Emma was not a huge fan of all the pumpkins (can't wait for her to meet Santa). We have been pretty busy with work and watching this little girl grow up lately. She had a rough week last week. She had a cold, her flu shot and had her first tooth broke through. We went to the doctor for her nine month visit (how time flies). Here are her stats:
weight - 18 lbs. 15 oz. (25%-50%)
length - 28.75 inches (25%-50%)
head circumference - 17.5 (50%)
We are baby proofing the house this weekend because she is into everything these days. I have posted some pictures from the past few weeks. Enjoy!
Charlie and Emma at Try Andy's Tri
Emma hiding behind her sign for Daddy

At the pumpkin patch after she got used to the pumpkins

Our Beautiful Girl!

Emma in her Halloween costume!

Little Ladybug!

Sweet Pumkpin Girl!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Our Weekend

We had such a fun weekend. We went to Dallas to see some of our friends. We were so fortunate to be able to have lunch on Saturday with my good friends, Ben and Justin. We also had lunch with Ben's sweet little girl, Lainey. Lainey is 5 months old and absolutely adorable. Unfortunately, Daniel and I forgot that we had our camera and didn't take any pictures of Lainey or Lainey and Emma together. It will be fun to watch these two little girls grow up and hopefully know each other for a long time. We were also fortunate to have dinner with lots of our friends that night. Again, we forgot about our camera (we really need to get better about this stuff). It was a great time for everyone to finally meet Emma. She was such a trooper with everything. Thanks to all of you who were there, it was awesome to see each of you and catch up. On Sunday, we headed home but first had a short stop downtown for lunch and then on the road to the Woodlands we went. We also bought Emma a new toy. We got her a music table that not only plays music but does so many other things in both English and Spanish (I may regret this in a few weeks), but she loves it. I posted a few pictures of her playing with it. She loves to pull herself up and stand up. Of course, last night she had her first big fall and screamed, but that didn't stop her from trying it again.
Morning Nap in the Hotel Bed

Lunch in Downtown Dallas!!

Emma and her Music Table!!

She Loves Her Drums!