Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, December 12, 2008

I Love My Hat!

On Wednesday Emma and I went shopping all day. We had a great day with my mom (Nana), sister-in-law (Aunt Nicole) and my sweet little niece (Sophie). It was also the day of freezing temperatures and snow. Yes, that is right, it snowed in Houston. So that morning I realized Emma did not have a hat that fit her head anymore. At the mall I found this cute hat and put it on her. She loved it and did not want to take it off. When I finally took it off her, she held onto it in her stroller, it was so cute. We had a really fun day and got some Christmas shopping done too

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Monday Night Football

A typical Monday night in our house is dinner and watching Monday Night Football. We play with Emma and watch the game. Here is a picture of last night. She sat with Daniel and watched football. It was so funny!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

"I Don't Want My Face Cleaned"

Last night Emma loved her dinner! The only problem was that she wanted to have nothing to do with having her face cleaned afterwards. So after a long day of watching four kids, I gave in and just let her be. So here is a picture of her messy face!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Well the newest member of our family has arrived! My brother and sister-in-law had their little baby girl today. Sophie Katherine Leppert was born at 12:00 pm today and weighs 7lbs. 8oz. She is adorable! Mom and baby are doing fine. We got to see them for a short time today but will go again tomorrow. We can't wait for them to get home and to watch Sophie grow.
Happy Birthday Sophie!!!!

Sophie Katherine Leppert

Friday, November 21, 2008

Flower Child

Here is a picture of Emma this morning. She is wearing her flower child clothes. She was dancing so the picture is a little blurry.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


We headed to my brother's house for dinner and trick or treating with his family. All the kids had a great time.

Emma in her Lady Bug Costume

William as a football player!

Waiting patiently for her cousins

Playing with the candy

Checking out all the loot!

Friday, October 31, 2008

It's Been Awhile!

I know it has been a long time since we have updated the blog. So, here is a little information on what has been going on. We went to the pumpkin patch and Emma was not a huge fan of all the pumpkins (can't wait for her to meet Santa). We have been pretty busy with work and watching this little girl grow up lately. She had a rough week last week. She had a cold, her flu shot and had her first tooth broke through. We went to the doctor for her nine month visit (how time flies). Here are her stats:
weight - 18 lbs. 15 oz. (25%-50%)
length - 28.75 inches (25%-50%)
head circumference - 17.5 (50%)
We are baby proofing the house this weekend because she is into everything these days. I have posted some pictures from the past few weeks. Enjoy!
Charlie and Emma at Try Andy's Tri
Emma hiding behind her sign for Daddy

At the pumpkin patch after she got used to the pumpkins

Our Beautiful Girl!

Emma in her Halloween costume!

Little Ladybug!

Sweet Pumkpin Girl!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Our Weekend

We had such a fun weekend. We went to Dallas to see some of our friends. We were so fortunate to be able to have lunch on Saturday with my good friends, Ben and Justin. We also had lunch with Ben's sweet little girl, Lainey. Lainey is 5 months old and absolutely adorable. Unfortunately, Daniel and I forgot that we had our camera and didn't take any pictures of Lainey or Lainey and Emma together. It will be fun to watch these two little girls grow up and hopefully know each other for a long time. We were also fortunate to have dinner with lots of our friends that night. Again, we forgot about our camera (we really need to get better about this stuff). It was a great time for everyone to finally meet Emma. She was such a trooper with everything. Thanks to all of you who were there, it was awesome to see each of you and catch up. On Sunday, we headed home but first had a short stop downtown for lunch and then on the road to the Woodlands we went. We also bought Emma a new toy. We got her a music table that not only plays music but does so many other things in both English and Spanish (I may regret this in a few weeks), but she loves it. I posted a few pictures of her playing with it. She loves to pull herself up and stand up. Of course, last night she had her first big fall and screamed, but that didn't stop her from trying it again.
Morning Nap in the Hotel Bed

Lunch in Downtown Dallas!!

Emma and her Music Table!!

She Loves Her Drums!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

More Pictures from Ike

Here are some more pictures from Ike. It was a crazy time for sure. We stayed at my brother's house (George) from Wednesday to Friday. He had power and we didn't. Emma loved playing with her cousins. William and Emma played all the time and got to go on walks with Nana also. Thanks George and Nicole for allowing us to stay at Hotel Leppert!!!

Trees down on power lines outside our neighborhood

A Portion of George's Backyard

Emma and William (after a walk with Nana)

Everything Back To Normal

So everything is finally getting back to normal now. Our power came back last Friday. I can finally catch up on all my cartoons I've been missing. There are still a few neighborhoods still without power including my grandma Nana's house but hopefully they get their power back soon. There are still a lot of big trees laying all over the streets but they are slowly being picked up as well. Check out the video below. We had to drive under a tree right after Hurricane Ike.
Mommy and Daddy said we are going to go to El Paso for Thanksgiving so that should be lots of fun. I haven't been there since I was a little baby. I can't wait to see everyone. Well talk to you soon!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Just wanted to update everyone. We are doing fine. We stayed at our house during the storm and it was very intense. Yesterday, we decided to head to Austin, so we could have power and all. Emma is much happier here. We were lucky and did not receive any damage to our house. We will post some pictures soon of what the Woodlands looked like after Ike. They say we could be without power for 2 weeks, so Emma and Mom will probably stay in Austin, while Dad may have to return to work. We will keep everyone updated, but thank you to all of you who were thinking about us through this.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Photo Shoot

Today was a fun day. The weather was great outside! Mom and Dad decided it was a day for pictures. Here are some sneak previews of my photo shoot.

Here I am smiling and having fun!

I was just admiring the scenery!

This is the serious face, but I'm still cute!

Just a quick update from the parents: Emma is doing great. She was a little sick last week but is feeling much better now. She is so much fun and such a great baby. As you can see, we took her out for pictures today and there was never a grumpy moment. She is starting to get into everything. She is pulling herself up on anything that she can reach. She is almost 8 months old and is squirming around all the time. How time flies! Well that's all for now.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Just Another Relaxing Weekend

Well as you can see, mom and I are gearing up for another exciting weekend. We had a nice relaxing weekend last weekend and we plan to do the same this weekend. Dad and I also plan to watch a lot of sports on TV and play all day as well. Now my puppies as you can see they kind of don't do much either but that's ok.

I'm planning on starting a workout program with my dad this weekend because I was pretty upset yesterday when we were playing on the floor and I discovered this really soft flat tire around the mid-section of my body. Mom says its just something called baby-fat and it will go away but when I pull on it it feels nice and squishy as you can see below. Dad says if I do a lot of crunches it will turn into a 6 pack. I hope its a six pack of formula that's he's talking about.

So I'll try and post some other blogs this weekend because all I plan to do is hang out this weekend, take many relaxing baths, play dress up with mom and dad, and play with my favorite bowl. Talk to you soon! Bye! Bye!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Weekend

Well we had a nice weekend. On Saturday night, Mom had a crazy kickball game for her work. So I got to go and play on the swings. It was the first time I had been on the plaground swings and it was lots of fun! Then Mom and Dad had a great idea to put this silly bandanna on my head so I could match Mom (she was dressed crazy for this game).

On Sunday, we went and visited my great-great aunt. I got to play with my cousin Charlie and visit with the family. Here is a picture of me sitting like a big girl at Aunt Angie's.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Welcome to my Blog Page!!!!


Hope everyone is doing well. I want to start off by telling everyone that I miss them and I can't wait to see you all soon. But since we can't see each other that often, I've decided to put together a website so you all can track my progress and accomplishments.

I know I'm a little late in getting my website together but I've been a little busy the first six month of my life eating, sleeping, making dirty diapers, working out, playing, laughing, and learning how to sit up. Now that I can sit up on my own, I can finally type without slamming my face into the keyboard. The only thing I have to worry about now is drooling on the keyboard and shorting out my computer. Ha! Ha! Just kidding!

So to get you all up to speed, I've attached some pictures of me that were some key points in my life so far. After this blog, I promise I will post other blogs at least once a month. I hope you all enjoy!